共计 56 篇文章
Paxos Made Simple 中文翻译
Apache Flink: Stream and Batch Processing in a Single Engine 中文翻译
ZooKeeper Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems 中文翻译版
Spark SQL - Relational Data Processing in Spark 中文翻译
An Architecture for Fast and General Data Processing on Large Clusters 部分中文翻译
In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm 中文翻译
Architecture of Next Generation Apache Hadoop MapReduce Framework 中文翻译版
Kafka a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing 中文翻译版
Bigtable A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data 中文翻译版
MapReduce shuffle
MapReduce Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters 中文翻译版
Spark shuffle
Kafka 消息顺序
IoTDB 的初步搭建及基本使用
Hive CLI
HBase 命令行整理
Hive HA
The Google File System 中文翻译版
CDH 本地源搭建流程整理
Phoenix 搭建流程整理